Massage for Work & Wellbeing

Massage therapy in the workplace

Massage therapy for well being in the workplace is a practice that brings relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being to employees during their work hours. Here are some key aspects:

  • More and better energy. Massage releases energy resources and endorphins that are trapped in tight muscles, reducing fatigue and improving mood.
  • Motivation and self-determination. Massage gives employees a sense of autonomy and choice, which boosts their intrinsic motivation and performance.
  • Expectation and placebo effect. Massage creates positive expectations and beliefs that can reduce pain, stress, and anxiety, and enhance the healing process1.
  • Touch and care. Massage provides physical and emotional comfort, which can foster ethical behaviour, problem-solving, and social connection.

Remember, incorporating massage into your work routine isn’t just a luxury—it’s an investment in your health and productivity

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Need more information or want to ask a question?

If you want more details or simply need some advice, Suzanne is on hand to answer any queries.